Esta herramienta interactiva de
aprendizaje presenta la prevención primaria a través de una serie de
actividades para mejorar los conocimientos sobre la misma. La información
cubierta incluye la historia de moverse río arriba, el Modelo Socio-Ecológico,
y una exploración de las diferencias entre reducción del riesgo y prevención
Todos los derechos
reservados. Este documento fue elaborado con el apoyo del convenio cooperativo
número #5UF2CE002359-03 otorgado por los Centros para el control y prevención
de enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés). Su contenido es
responsabilidad exclusiva de los autores y no necesariamente refleja la
perspectiva oficial de los CDC.
(15 minutes) Explore this interactive infographic to learn more about Risk and Protective factors and how they play an important role in preventing sexual violence.
(15 minutes) This interactive learning tool walks participants through how to implement an activity-based evaluation through the use of the human spectrogram. Information covered includes an overview of the human spectrogram, a preparation checklist, and additional resources from the NSVRC Evaluation Toolkit.
(80 minutes)Through six interactive courses, prevention staff are trained how to plan, implement, and evaluate prevention strategies.
(15 minutes) This interactive learning tool introduces primary prevention through a set of activities to enhance knowledge about primary prevention. Information covered includes the Moving Upstream story, the Social Ecological Model, and an exploration of the differences between Risk Reduction and Primary Prevention.
(16 minutes) This recorded webinar provides an overview of sexual violence prevention, utilizing the public health approach to talk about primary prevention and norms change. Examples of promising prevention strategies are also highlighted.
(~8 min each) This three-part video podcast series highlights innovative sexual violence prevention evaluation work happening across the country.
(1 hr, 45 min) Presented by Barbara Ball and Susie Gidseg of Safe Place, this webinar will feature examples of youth creatively taking the lead to promote healthy relationships. Preventionists and youth activists from Safe Haven in Pike County will report in how they have sustained an effective youth initiative with Rallying Youth organizers Together (RYOT) Against Rape and Abuse.
(1 hr, 56 min) This webinar will review the key steps in evaluating the outcomes of prevention programs. Numerous examples are provided to explore how evaluations are designed, what it takes to carry them out, and what can be learned. These examples help participants think about what a useful, meaningful evaluation might look like in their own programs. Evaluation challenges and tips for avoiding common mistakes are offered.
(3-4 Hours, 45-60 min per section) The Data Analysis Series consists of four courses designed to show users how to enter, analyze, and report on evaluation data captured from pre/post surveys. These courses contain sample data for practice, and users can pause, review, and revisit any portion of the courses.