This project was supported by the PCCD subgrant #36156 by the PA Commission on Crime and Delinquency.
This two-part webinar explores the impact of trauma on new parents, specifically considering how trauma and lactation intersect. We will explore historical and generational trauma in addition to individual trauma and their impacts on survivors. Following this series, participants should be able to: 1. Create shared language around trauma and understand historical, collective, and individual trauma. 2. Recognize triggers for survivors and how trauma reactions may present 3. Build relationships to support the parent with decisions on feeding their baby.
This training was
funded by the Department of Human Services. Its contents do not necessarily
represent the official views of this agency.
(1 hour, 8 minutes) This presentation will cover the basics of the Medicaid system (how to apply, the process, eligibility, covered services, etc.), how PHLP can help navigate the system, and more specifically eligibility and navigation of Medicaid for the sexual assault survivor community.
(2 hours) Medical Advocates play a critical role in
supporting survivors of sexual assault during a forensic exam. Therefore, it is imperative that they have a
concrete understanding of the forensic exam process as well as how they can
best support both survivors and SANEs to ensure that survivors are receiving
trauma-informed services.
This webinar will provide an overview of the Sexual Assault Testing and Evidence Collection Act and focus on the anonymous reporting and testing options within the Act. It will also include the latest updates to the Act. At the completion of this webinar, participants should be able to: List reasons why a survivor may choose to report anonymously; Explain anonymous reporting and testing options to a victim; and accurately complete the form and carry out the anonymous reporting and testing processes.
This project was supported by Subgrant No. 36156 awarded by the state administering office for the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice’s STOP Formula Grant Program. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the state or the U.S. Department of Justice.
(3 Hours) Join Black Women’s Blueprint for
a virtual gathering to learn about their sexual abuse to maternal mortality
pipeline initiatives and report—and specifically to talk more about the
protection of body sovereignty for Women of Color and incarcerated survivors of
sexual assault.
(25 minutes)This webinar covers basic
yet surprising statistics on male victimization, ways to network and reach
male survivors, and information on how to provide best services to males. Real
world examples are provided along with information about the Prison Rape
Elimination Act by the presenter, Tammi Burke of Victims Resource Center, who
has served victims for 30 years.
(45 Minutes) This webinar provides an overview of HIV and AIDS, the risk of HIV for
sexual assault victims, how risk is assessed, and ways to access HIV NPEP. Additionally,
how advocates can work with healthcare providers on HIV NPEP access and ways
to support victims taking HIV NPEP.